Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology
Číslo: 2/2020
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
3D printed hydrogel glucose sensor on argon plasma activated polystyrene
Jens Jüttner, Nenad Krstic, Achim Müller, Monika Knuth, Christiane Thielemann
Premature infant blood vessel segmentation of retinal images based on hybrid method for the determin...
Alice Krestanova, Jan Kubicek, Marek Penhaker, Juraj Timkovic
The effect of footwear to the posture
Marianna Trebuňová, Mária Danko, Lucia Bednarčíková, Monika Michalíková, Jozef Živčák
The change of cardiostimulation device programming due to detection of electromagnetic interference
Jan Morava, Aleš Richter
Inappropriate s-icd patient receives false positive shocks
David Korpas