Romové očima pedagogů základních a středních škol

Martina Cichá, Jana Máčalová, Blanka Moravcová, Andrea Preissová Krejčí, Michal Prokeš, Michaela Roubínková

Romové očima pedagogů základních a středních škol

Číslo: 1-2/2016
Periodikum: AntropoWebzin

Klíčová slova: Romani people; education; multiculturalism; multicultural education; qualitative research; quantitative research, Romští lidé; vzdělání; Multikulturalismus; Multikulturní vzdělávání; kvalitativní výzkum; kvantitativní výzkum

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Anotace: In this article, we deal with the topic ofattitudes towards the Roma minority expressed byprimary and secondary school teachers. We presentthe findings of our research carried out in 2014–2015.First, we introduce the basic theoretical concepts behind the term “multiculturalism” as well as the broadterm “Roma identity”. We then describe our methodology and research techniques. In the central part ofour paper, we focus our interpretation on the specificways teachers perceive the Roma minority, such as theascription of characteristics or traits. Their perceptionis usually influenced by personal experience with Romastudents. We presume that the teachers’ attitudes caninfluence the attitudes of their students. We will alsoshow that their negative approach towards the Romacan be transferred onto the students in the form ofmisrepresentations and stereotyping.