Dekompozícia vývoja kohortnej plodnosti Česka a Slovenska použitím zmien pravděpodobnosti zväčšenia rodiny

Branislav Šprocha, Pavol Ďurček

Dekompozícia vývoja kohortnej plodnosti Česka a Slovenska použitím zmien pravděpodobnosti zväčšenia rodiny

Číslo: 3/2018
Periodikum: Demografie

Klíčová slova: cohort fertility, decomposition, parity progression ratios, Czechia, Slovakia

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Přečíst po přihlášení

Anotace: The long-term trend in cohort fertility in Czechia and Slovakia has led to a significant decrease to fewer than

two children. Significant changes in the structure of the female population by parity are taking place in the
background of this decline.This article seeks to analyze the development of completed cohort fertility in Czechia
and Slovakia in the context of the parity transformation and to identify which parity has contributed most
to the decline in fertility to such low levels.