Jak Bůh přichází do myšlení. Co se může teologie naučit od Emmanuela Levinase?

Jakub Sirovátka

Jak Bůh přichází do myšlení. Co se může teologie naučit od Emmanuela Levinase?

Číslo: 2/2016
Periodikum: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica
DOI: 10.14712/23363398.2016.11

Klíčová slova: Emmanuel Levinas; theology; idea of God; phenomenology of Infinity; Metaphysical Ethics; Religion for Adults, Emmanuel Levinas; teologie; Myšlenka na Boha; Fenomenologie nekonečna; Metafyzická etika; Náboženství pro dospělé

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Anotace: The article deals with Levinas’s philosophy as an inspiration and challenge for Christian theology. The inspiration can be found in the phenomenology of the idea of in nite God, in the emphasis on the radical transcendence of God and in the close connection between ethics and metaphysics. The idea of God is ultimately characterized by Levinas as a Desire, which is concretised as a relationship with the Other. Through his emphasis on the “religion for Adults”, Levinas admonishes the Christian tradition of the unsubstitutability of human action.