Ploštice kněz mateřský v badatelsky orientovaném vyučování zaměřeném na etologii

Jana Hanelová, Lubomír Hanel

Ploštice kněz mateřský v badatelsky orientovaném vyučování zaměřeném na etologii

Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis

Klíčová slova: Maternální péče o potomstvo, ploštice kněz mateřský, etologická pozorování, badatelsky orientované vyučování, Maternal care, the shield bug Elasmucha grisea, ethological observations, inquiry-oriented teacher education

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Anotace: The shield bug Elasmucha grisea (Insecta, Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae) is common and easily accessible species in

our country. Maternal guarding of eggs and immature offspring against enemies with typical defense behaviour can be well
presented in inquiry-oriented school education focused on ethology. This behaviour is well observable with the naked eye
(or using magnifying glass). There are described four basic female reactions against trespasser with respect of disturbtion
intensity (see pen-and-ink drawings). Maternal care is prolonged until the third instar of offspring. More informations are
presented in quoted literary sources. Proposals of some simple indoor ethological observations and experiments in school
insectaria are presented.