Spracovanie hliníkovej zliatiny na tvárnenie EN AW-2024 technológiou liatia s kryštalizáciou pod tlakom

Branislav Vanko, Michal Čeretka, Eduard Sedláček, Roman Moravčík, Ladislav Stanček

Spracovanie hliníkovej zliatiny na tvárnenie EN AW-2024 technológiou liatia s kryštalizáciou pod tlakom

Číslo: 5-6/2016
Periodikum: Slévárenství

Klíčová slova: Al-alloys—special casting processes

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Anotace: The effor t to put castings of high strength

wrought aluminium alloys into foundry practice
has become a global issue in recent years.
The advantage of casting technology compared
to forming technology is the ability to produce
parts with more complex shapes at a lower total
cost. The aim of using these alloys is to create
castings with higher mechanical proper ties
than achieved with castings made of standard
cast aluminium alloys. Wrought aluminium
alloys of the series 2xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx are
most often cast. The EN AW-2024 alloy,
which has been cast by a modified technology
of casting with crystallization under pressure
and heat-treated, was studied in the