The Main Results in the Population Projection of the Czech Republic of Czech Statistical Office 2018–2100

Roman Kurkin

The Main Results in the Population Projection of the Czech Republic of Czech Statistical Office 2018–2100

Číslo: 4/2019
Periodikum: Demografie

Klíčová slova: population projection, Czech Republic, population structure, population ageing

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Anotace: Tis article summarises the basic descriptive results in the Population Projection of the Czech Republic

of Czech Statistical Ofce between 2018 and 2100 and also analyses the demographic indicators of the age
structure with a focus on population ageing and older age groups. It also compares the latest projection with
older population projections or population projections of the Czech Republic from diferent institutions.
Te central focus is on the medium variant of the 2018 Projection, as it is expected to be the most likely variant
of population development.