Plotting the map projection graticule involving discontinuities based on combined sampling

Tomáš Bayer

Plotting the map projection graticule involving discontinuities based on combined sampling

Číslo: 2/2018
Periodikum: Geoinformatics FCE CTU
ISBN: 1802-2669
DOI: 10.14311/gi.17.2.3

Klíčová slova: digital cartography; mathematical cartography; adaptive sampling; graticule; meridians; parallels; recursive approach; map projection; great circle; discontinuity; visualization; sphere; digitální kartografie; matematická kartografie; adaptivní vzorkování; graticule; meridiány; paralely; rekurzivní přístup; mapová projekce; velký kruh; diskontinuita; vizualizace; koule

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Anotace: This article presents a new algorithm for interval plotting the projection graticule

on the interval Ω = Ωϕ × Ωλ based on the combined sampling technique. The proposed
method synthesizes the uniform and adaptive sampling approaches and treats the discontinuities
of the coordinate functions F, G. A full set of the projection constant values represented
by the projection pole K = [ϕk, λk], two standard parallels ϕ
, ϕ0
and the central meridian
shift λ
are supported. In accordance with the discontinuity direction it utilizes a subdivision
of the given latitude/longitude intervals Ωϕ = [ϕ, ϕ], Ωλ = [λ, λ] to the set of disjoint
subintervals Ω
k,λ forming tiles without the internal singularities, containing only “good”
data; their parameters can be easily adjusted. Each graticule tile borders generated over

k = Ω
k,ϕ × Ω
k,λ run along the singularities. For combined sampling with the given threshold
α between the adjacent segments of the polygonal approximation, the recursive approach
has been used; meridian/parallel offsets are ∆ϕ, ∆λ. Finally, several tests of the proposed
algorithms are involved.